Critical Studies in Sound for Moving Image Tuesday 22/10/2019
for this week in class, in the Weekly Briefing, we went over the next weeks briefs projects and the requirements for them and it helped and made sure everyone was was up to date and knew what was going on and what was needing to be done. For this weeks Critical Studies class, it was highly focused one Post-Modernism and Counter Cinema, there was reports and helpful readings/research guides that was useful such as, Post-Modernism for Beginners - Appignansi. R. Garrat, and another like, Anal Capitalism in Speaking About Godard - Silverman. K. Farockir. Bycle Thieves - De Sica.
We also went through what is characteristics of cinema and the movements that happen and occur with them and after them that take place in different countries and companies that have happened over the decades and the happenings around the world.we looked at the works, creations and the publications and studies of Deconstructive Post-Modernism and highly notible people from it - Lyotard, Dirreda and Boudrillard.
And also went through what is Post-Modernism - Jencks.
Post-Modernism has a confusion point to it as it hasn't anything to do with Post/Past and the Post in Post-Modernism is actually referring to Modern actually. Many arguments come with Post-Modernism because unlike the Post in it meaning Modern, the Modern in Post-Modernism is always historically at fights with itself and what actually comes immediately before Modern.
Dadaism was a temporary meeting point for modernism arts and works. A very notable work that comes from these series is a famous performance by John Cage call '4:33' where during one of his piano performances, he sat and waited for 4 minutes and 33 seconds and then after that, started to play.
Audio Visual Technology Project Wednesday 23/10/2019
Studio Lectures Projects 2-3 Thursday 24/10/2019
In this this week for helping us more with how to know about film, video and sounds as a whole, we looked at and into files formats and how they work and what exactly they are and mean, with going through this and with it connecting to our short sound films, to know what exactly are certain files, their sizes and how they work and know what programs and system they do and don’t work in and what better ways they can be handled and sent in the best ways and safest ways. With knowing all that, it will help when knowing the deliverables of the projects to the brief and what you have and need to have for the hand ins.
Studio Lectures Projects 2-3 Friday 25/10/2019
We went through a lot of files information, any uncompressed video file is very big and takes up a lot of memory and space and can take a lot of time transferring it if its all needing to be, we went through the pure sampling of HD videos and what is data rates, this goes onto what is the bit depth – vertical resolutions – horizontal resolution – refresh frequency. 4K – it refers to the files size and information that is 3849x2160 or 4096x2160. Uncompressed Files take up a lot of memory and space and that is why we need compression on the video and there are 2 types of data compression, Lossy and Lossless.