These journals that will be made and shown will be my weekly journals that i will be doing throughout my University and they will be documenting and keeping record on my weekly classes and my own thoughts and feelings that i have during them.
Critical Studies in Sound for The Moving Image Tuesday 17/09/2019
We done a little introduction in class were we all told a little bit about ourselves and what made us get into this area of field and what lead us into this course. We went through a introduction of the courses a small bit and what we will mostly covering during these next couple of weeks (months) till Christmas. we then looked into what we will actually be doing in Critical Studies and how to exactly analyse and review works and to properly review and then produce critically studied works. we learned and were told how we will be properly reading and showing of our analyses. we where shown to properly demonstrate knowledge and and the critical understandings of key theories and concepts related to experiential sound and mediated/constructed sounds.
(told and shown about Planet E-Stream).
Audio Visual Technology on Wednesday 18/09/2019
We are shown how we will be studying this area of work and how it came about and looking through the history of it and the many advances over the years and the practices and how we can and do use them day to day. we were shown what are soundscapes and a short explanation of them and how to make them and the key elements to them. We also went through the different ways of seeing and listening to sounds and our and everyones individual readings and perceptions of sounds and how we fully listen to them, we went over the different ways we hear and understand sounds and the different Modes and what they mean.
Studio Lectures Projects 2+3 on Thursday 19/09/2019
We were also shown the work of field recordings and how to properly go about them and how we were going on the Friday to go out with our own and the Uni's own portable digital recorders, some members of the class didi use the University's own portable digital recorders and collected sounds around the place as we walked and marking them as they did so, saying where the place was, what they were recording and saying who it was that was recording and we will and can be using the collected recordings and to use them in our own works and for future projects and the work in Uni, such as the Soundscapes coming in the future.
Studio Lectures Projects 2+3 on Friday 20/09/2019
For the Field Recordings, I used my own recorders at different locations during our walk to specific locations. I used my ZOOM H6 Recorder and the H3-VR Recorder to gather a number of recordings. For the others that were in the class who didn't have their own recorders used the recorders from the University, the University had multiple recorders and field microphones to use with the recorders.
(one or more of the recordings will be on this page to be played)